
backyard gardening


Garden Pest !
Moth do there dirty work at night and maybe during the day. I find eggs on my squash and before you know it they are killing the squash and cucumber plants. There are different methods to  get ride of the worms in the vine, such as  using a small wire to kill the worm. I'm using  cheese Cloth to cover plant, this has help to prevent egg laying on the Cabbages . I like prevention as mush as possible. Check the plants often, you may be able to remove eggs before  they hatch or find the small pickle worms before they do great damage.

Worm This worm was found before it could do damage.
Some garden pest are cut worms and pickle worms. Pickle worms do damage to cucumbers and squash
A moth caught in Cheese cloth. I thought about using cheese-cloth  as it was used years ago to cover tobacco fields. I tried covering the squash, with cheese-cloth to help prevent egg-laying on the plants. This may not be a sure fire method, but I did catch two moth.
This worm cleaned a large tomato plant in one night. It had started the night before, and we did not see it but we found it before too much damage.
Tobacco worm
 On the next day in plain daylight chomping away.

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